Prayers to Saint Cyprian and God for All Intentions

Prayers Dedicated to Saint Cyprian for Various Moments in Life

Por Élida Alexandre

Código do livro: 766420


Relacionamentos, Espiritual, Antigo, Clássico E Medieval, Anjos E Guias Espirituais, Amor E Romance, Vida Cristã, Oração, Louvor e Adoração, Corpo, Mente E Espírito, Batalha Espiritual

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Prayers to Saint Cyprian and God for All Intentions is a book of prayers dedicated to Saint Cyprian for various moments in life. It is recommended to bring your loved one back as quickly as possible and make them forget about other loves, asking for forgiveness and tying them to you; to have money, wealth, fortune and abundance; to fight enemies and bad people, humiliate them and unmask them; to obtain the salvation and protection of Saint Cyprian for you, your family and your love relationship; to make a person stop disturbing your life, your home and your family; to obtain victory in your paths, to be successful and achieve complete happiness; to get a job with a good salary; to awaken love in someone and much more.

Some prayers are also directed to God, Saint Justina, Jesus Christ, the Black Goat, the Black Cat, Maria Padilha (pomba gira), Saint Catherine and the 13 Miraculous Souls for protection and blessings; to undo witchcraft and sorcery; perform binding; close the body against demons and spirits of darkness; combat attacks from evil spirits and persecution from enemies; obtain mercy, redemption and forgiveness; combat all enemies and adversaries; banish spirits and much more.

The book has more than 600 pages with prayers of Saint Cyprian alone and also directed to God for all the purposes mentioned above, among others.

It is a book recommended for devotees of Saint Cyprian who believe in God, for people who want to protect themselves from other people and negative spirits, for those who want to win love or rekindle a relationship, for those who want to return evil to those who sent it, to have powers of conquest and seduction, to pray like a Catholic Christian and to achieve everything you desire through powerful prayers, faith and spiritual help.


Número de páginas 629
Edição 1 (2025)
Formato 16x23 (160x230)
Acabamento Brochura c/ orelha
Coloração Preto e branco
Tipo de papel Polen
Idioma Inglês

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Élida Alexandre

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Élida Alexandre:

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