Life is too short to skip planning

Personal Finance from A to Z

Por Riko H. A. Jr.

Código do livro: 296835


Administração, Economia, Não Ficção, Desenvolvimento, Education, Orçamento

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Most Personal Finance books focus on "how to get rich" formulas.

This book is your detailed step by step guide of how you should organize your financial life starting with the reasons why most people have problems to deal with their money and behaviors you should change to be more prosperous to how to build a budget and follow your financial life in a spreadsheet.

This book will show you where and how to invest, what are the simplest and yet, most effective investing strategies. It was written to be a complete guide, from behavior to technical subjects. All in a cool and nice-to-read friendly writing as if you and the author were just chatting in a bar.

You'll also receive access to a Financial Planning Spreadsheet as a bonus.


Número de páginas 244
Edição 1 (2019)
Formato A5 (148x210)
Acabamento Brochura
Coloração Preto e branco
Tipo de papel Offset 75g
Idioma Inglês

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Terça | 27.08.2019 às 16h08
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