Develop the right mindset to transition from employee to entrepreneur

Por Anderson Corba

Código do livro: 683665


Liderança, Educação / Administração, Desenvolvimento Profissional, Desenvolvimento Humano, Autoajuda, Administração

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One of the most difficult transitions for people is going from the mindset of an employee to that of an entrepreneur. The idea of ​​working for yourself, of having your own business, is fantastic.

Many people's desire is to quit their jobs and become successful business owners.

However, is there a transition that needs to be made from the employee mindset to the entrepreneur mindset?

It's actually really important that you have this entrepreneurial mindset to be successful in business on your own... because most of the principles you need to be successful are based on being a true entrepreneur.

And there are huge differences between that and the mentality of an employee, I'm not pulling your leg... and we're going to analyze that here.


Número de páginas 33
Edição 1 (2024)
Idioma Inglês

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