Behavioral Guide for the Novice Investor

Try not to fall into your own traps

Por Alex Franceschet

Código do livro: 404957


Psicologia Cognitiva, Neuropsicologia, História Econômica, Psicologia, Não Ficção, Economia

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Have you ever wondered that your decisions could have been processed in a irrationally way by your brain? And have you ever thought that in each and every decision, your nervous system performs several queries in order to reach a solution as quickly as possible? And you probably wouldn't have considered that there are several external and internal elements that turn our decision process even more complex, right?

If these questions particularly intrigue you when it comes to your investments, then the content of this book will help you better understand your stock market decisions as well as yourself.

The author gives an overview of the psychological, neurological and social issues that make you behave the way you do when it comes to your investments, additionally to a brief historical compendium of major crisis and how mass psychology did the macroeconomic environment to consolidate in the way we know it today.


Número de páginas 120
Edição 1 (2021)
Formato A5 (148x210)
Acabamento Brochura c/ orelha
Coloração Preto e branco
Tipo de papel Offset 75g
Idioma Inglês

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Alex Franceschet

Autor independente com intuito de instruir os que se interessam por investimento à tomada de decisão por conta própria.

Investidor da bolsa de valores brasileira e americana, além de criptomoedas, está imbuído na disseminação de conhecimento de qualidade e de fácil compreensão.

Siga o autor: @Alex_franceschet


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