
...and the darkness of meaning

Por Leonardo Triandopolis Vieira

Código do livro: 599964


Quadrinhos E Romances Gráficos, Contos De Fadas E Folclore, Seitas e Heresias, Quadrinhos (Hq), Literatura Nacional

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Step into the enigmatic world of Vamadeva, a beautifully illustrated book by Leonardo Triandopolis Vieira, brought to life through the captivating artwork of Gabriel Brito. Within these pages lies a mesmerizing journey into the esoteric realms of Brazil, where words and images intertwine to unlock the hidden mysteries of a nation.

Vamadeva invites readers to embark on a voyage beyond the ordinary, delving into the heart of Brazilian culture, history, and spirituality. Through a fusion of magical realism and cryptic symbolism, this book offers a unique perspective on the periphery of the Western world, where enchantment and enigma converge.

Prepare to be immersed in a world where reality blurs with the supernatural, where the everyday becomes extraordinary, and where the pulse of Brazil's rich tapestry pulses through every page. Vamadeva is not just a book; it's a portal to a world both seen and unseen, waiting to be explored by those who dare to seek its secrets.

Open these pages and let the journey begin. Are you ready to unlock the esoteric keys to Brazil's hidden truths?

Welcome to Vamadeva.


ISBN 9786500823059
Número de páginas 160
Edição 1 (2023)
Formato 16x23 (160x230)
Acabamento Brochura s/ orelha
Coloração Preto e branco
Tipo de papel Offset 90g
Idioma Inglês

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Leonardo Triandopolis Vieira

É editado pela Não Sou Uma Editora. Selo por onde o escritor Leonardo Triandopolis Vieira se autopublica e edita livros atemporais.

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