The Universe According to Nikola Tesla

Por Luiz Carlos de Almeida

Código do livro: 304514


Ciências Exatas, Não Ficção, Análise Matemática, Cálculo, Mensuração

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By deciphering Max Planck's empirical equation, which determines the spectral energy of the blackbody, the result was surprising, because, in addition to reaching the physical and mathematical meaning of the equation, it was possible to determine that the Nikola Tesla's understanding about the Universe is spectacular and correct. These discoveries are should to cause profound changes in the understanding about the Physics, because such discoveries diverge of the currently accepted understanding by Quantum Physics.


Número de páginas 175
Edição 1 (2019)
Formato A4 (210x297)
Acabamento Brochura
Coloração Colorido
Tipo de papel Offset 75g
Idioma Inglês

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