The Secret 144,000 Elect of the Revelation

Por Eliel Roshveder

Código do livro: 783896


Espiritualidade, Espiritual, Corpo, Mente E Espírito, Angelologia

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The 144,000 are on earth today being prepared and maturing as the grape on the vine, ripening to be trodden under foot in the powerful mill and form the essence of the land, the first fruits of the Lord, to be protected as a particular treasure. They are already stepped today, so get gifts, but suffer torture and deprivation, but when they receive the seal described in Revelation they will become immortal.

The 144,000 elected already in the ground and already feel they are special because they are called to a great mission on the planet ...

They already are in all the earth, their mission is to preach to the lost tribes of Israel when the time comes, when they have not yet received the seal of 144,000, but their soul is prepared at every moment, every minute by the Creator, they are chosen from the womb to an important mission on earth, gather the tribes of Israel. The biggest test for them will come after the rapture of the church, when they will be gathered here in the middle of the great tribulation and taken to the sacred land of Iraq, the Garden of Eden. In Iraq they will meet on the verge of entering Zion where they will be for 3 years and a half hidden from the Beast government, but before entering the shelter will be attacked by a huge army of demons and armies of land, especially by scorpions, the guardians of antichrist, a brotherhood of death. In this hour of greatest trial the Lord will intervene and the earth will open swallowing the armies of the Antichrist. They finally come for refuge in a parallel world where they will be 3 and a half years, the first part of the great tribulation.

After this period they will come with paranormal powers and can not be touched by the Antichrist. Can teleport with authority over nature and over the kings of the earth preaching to the tribes dispersed throughout the world.

The 144,000 are on earth today being prepared and maturing as the grape on the vine, ripening to be trodden under foot in the powerful mill and form the essence of the land, the first fruits of the Lord, to be protected as a particular treasure. They are already stepped today, so get gifts, but suffer torture and deprivation, but when they receive the seal described in Revelation they will become immortal.


ISBN 9798230130659
Número de páginas 180
Edição 1 (2025)
Formato A5 (148x210)
Acabamento Brochura c/ orelha
Coloração Preto e branco
Tipo de papel Offset 75g
Idioma Inglês

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Fale com o autor

Eliel Roshveder

Escrevi antologias de poesias e contos e tenho publicado ebooks na net na Amazon e outras empresas, e agora resolvi publicar no clube dos autores.

Tenho um grupo no face que estuda mistérios e conspirações.

Gosto da cabala e da meditação.

Também estudo ufologia, tendo sido contatado e abduzido.

Minha vida é ligada a mundos paralelos e dimensões.

Estudo profecias, mistérios e conspirações, Apocalipse e mudanças no planeta.

A terra caminha para um momento importante.

O Apocalipse é real e está perto.

Conheça minhas obras e vão gostar.

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