The Heir Of Merlin


Código do livro: 547643


Ficção Científica, Fantasia, Aventura, Literatura Infanto Juvenil, Jovens e Adolescentes, Ficção

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Ethan Griffiths knew he wasn't an ordinary boy, but with the help of his best friend James Foster, he discovers that the world he swore was only fiction is more real than anyone could imagine. After the boys uncover that Ethan's family is a magical family with valuable items from the wizarding world, they seek a way to turn James into something more than just a human.

Determined to become the greatest wizard of his time, he pushes himself to the limit, training and uncovering powerful spells and enchantments that will aid in his mission.

Meanwhile, James has the goal of becoming the most powerful being of his kind, needing Ethan's help to destroy the most feared creature of all time.

With the assistance of James and various friends Ethan acquires throughout his journey, he will have to face incredibly powerful and dark magical creatures in order to reach the witch who desires their destruction and the destruction of all those by their side.


Número de páginas 379
Edição 1 (2023)
Formato A5 (148x210)
Acabamento Brochura c/ orelha
Coloração Preto e branco
Tipo de papel Offset 75g
Idioma Inglês

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Fale com o autor


John L Bennett. Começou sua carreira como escritor publicando sua primeira obra O Herdeiro de Merlin, com a ajuda do Clube dos Autores.

Desde o final do Ensino Médio, JL, se dedicou em varias histórias de mundos que sempre o desligavam da realidade. Focado no Genero ficcção fantasia, o autor fez outras seis histórias com bastante magia e criaturas místicas. JL pretende levar a História do herdeiro de Merlin adiante com mais quatros livros, E após a finalização, publicar uma das suas outras historias ineditas.

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