Palo Kimbiza: Brillumba Palo Kimbiza

Tumba Francesa Kikongo Piti Bantu Criollo Sanci and Palo Haitiano

Por Reverend Baba Sabu Akoni Ifashola

Código do livro: 532215


Ocultismo, Estudo De Magia, Espiritualidade, Religião, Corpo, Mente E Espírito, Ciências da Religião

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Palo: Brillumba Kimbiza Tumba Criolla: The Haitian Lineage of Congo Worship Transplanted to Cuba by Haitians. The Religion; the spirituality and the meaning of ancestor worship, as taught and instructed by Ifashola Sabu, this is more than a religion, it is a celebration of the spiritual life of our ancestors who passed away in the mortal plane and achieved a new level of spiritual enlightenment in the ligth of the creator of the seen and unseen, whitout our past the present and the future are only hollow vessels leaving all people thirsty for the knowledge of a culture that once was the center of the human soul. Ashe.


ISBN 9781312778191
Número de páginas 86
Edição 1 (2023)
Formato 16x23 (160x230)
Acabamento Brochura s/ orelha
Coloração Preto e branco
Tipo de papel Offset 90g
Idioma Inglês

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