Código do livro: 373342


Presidentes E Chefes De Estado, Histórico, Geografia E Historia, Ciências da Religião, Biografia

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There probably was not in the whole church during the first decade of the fourth century, a more learned Christian than Eusebius of Caesarea. Phrases such as the one quoted at the beginning of this chapter, however, have led many historians to claim that Eusebius capitulated to imperial power. In the opinion of these historians, Eusebius was a man of weak character who, when surrounded by the pomp of the Empire, bowed before her, and stood to serve the emperor's interests rather than those of Jesus Christ. But before venturing to make this judgment it is convenient for us to pause to recount the life and work of this wise Christian, so as to better understand his reactions and attitudes.

Eusebius was born around the year 260, probably in Palestine, where he spent most of his early years. He is known as Eusebius "of Caesarea" because he was bishop of this city and because he was educated in it, but the exact place of his birth is unknown to us.

We also do not have reliable information about your family. It is not even possible to say whether his parents were Christian or not - and the scholars who have tried to research on this subject have found arguments in both directions.


ISBN 978-10-870-7329-3
Número de páginas 78
Edição 2 (2021)
Formato A5 (148x210)
Acabamento Brochura
Coloração Preto e branco
Tipo de papel Offset 90g
Idioma Inglês

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Sou um velho aposentado, que gasto parte do tempo cuidado de plantas e outra parte do tempo estudando, escrevendo e orando. Desta relação com a natureza, os livros e Deus é que tenho inspiração para escrever meus rascunhos e manuscritos, a qual ofereço para o julgamento popular. Minhas centenas de obras são frutos de reflexões e ponderações sempre à luz do teocentrismo que guia minha consciência. Entrego minhas considerações para julgamento dos leitores. Não imponho minha visão de mundo a ninguém, mas apenas respeite a minha opinião e estamos bem.


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