Código do livro: 681875


Cosmologia, Ciências Da Vida, Ciências Biológicas, Ciência

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I continue my saga of investigating the world, feelings, animals, plants and other living beings looking for traces that indicate that all of this is not before our eyes by accident, by blind, random and stupid evolution, but that the world reveals that there is a brilliant mind who designed it and who created natural laws to make the great mechanism of the universe work automatically. We clearly realize that there are millions or billions of gears that make the universe work. We cannot talk much about the universe because our knowledge is minimal about the celestial bodies and the possible creatures that infest the infinite. But planet Earth has a variety of species of life that is astounding. While scientists are looking for some trace of life in the universe, even if it is bacteria, here on Earth there are so many species of life that we have not yet cataloged them all. But all creatures have peculiar characteristics and embedded biological technologies that can only have arisen because they were created in God's space laboratory. I'm absolutely sure that we are like worms in God's stomach, worms don't understand men, and men don't understand God. But I don't think it takes much reasoning to understand that so many technologies embedded in living beings are products of all types of engineering projects. God holds the secrets of life, and that is what I seek to show in this fourth volume of creationist biology.


ISBN 9798326397966
Número de páginas 121
Edição 1 (2024)
Formato A5 (148x210)
Acabamento Brochura c/ orelha
Tipo de papel Couche 90g
Idioma Inglês

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Sou um velho aposentado, que gasto parte do tempo cuidado de plantas e outra parte do tempo estudando, escrevendo e orando. Desta relação com a natureza, os livros e Deus é que tenho inspiração para escrever meus rascunhos e manuscritos, a qual ofereço para o julgamento popular. Minhas centenas de obras são frutos de reflexões e ponderações sempre à luz do teocentrismo que guia minha consciência. Entrego minhas considerações para julgamento dos leitores. Não imponho minha visão de mundo a ninguém, mas apenas respeite a minha opinião e estamos bem.


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