Carb cycling

The Ultimate 7 day weight loss plan

Por Daniele Carazzato

Código do livro: 324890


Culinária, Não Ficção, Saúde E Fitness, Dietas, Saúde E Cura, Saúde Masculina

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For anyone trying to lose weight, the word "carbs" is akin to blasphemy. Carb is the age-old enemy. Carbs are the evil nemesis of WeightWatchers everywhere. Carbs mean calories and weight loss requires cutting calories.

It has been the traditional belief that foods packed with carbs will cause you to pack on the pounds. Even healthy carbs like starchy vegetables and whole grains are high in carbs, so many classic diets restrict them as well. The result is that we have become to believe that carbs are bad for us. Not only do they hinder weight loss, but they are downright unhealthy.


Número de páginas 51
Edição 0 (2020)
Idioma Português

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