Bolsonaro and the Presidents Who Shaped the World


Código do livro: 581574


Relações Internacionais, Política Pública, Política Cultural, Literatura Estrangeira, Ciência Política, Biografia e Testemunho

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The world is a big, complex place, and it takes strong, visionary people to lead it. Those people are the presidents, and they have the power to change the world for better or worse. This book tells the story of President Bolsonaro as a recognized and respected statesman and the other presidents who have had a significant impact on the world. The presidents are chosen from different countries and times, and they represent a wide range of experiences and perspectives. The book explores the policies and actions of these presidents, and it shows how they have helped shape the course of history. The book begins with President Jair Bolsonaro, who is a man of strong personality, integrity, transparency, charisma and determination. Jair Bolsonaro has left a significant mark on the history of Brazil and the world, has shown himself to be a true Statesman, has transformed Brazil into a prosperous and internationally respected Nation, has left the Government with his head held high, without any case of corruption. Even as a former president, he drags crowds wherever he goes, he is a true phenomenon, the Brazilian people love and respect this politician. This year (2023), Brazil is experiencing a deep turmoil and economic crisis, due to the return of the left to power, the economy is heading for a serious recession, in line with other political and social factors, such as legal insecurity and the growing wave of violence across the country. This book also tells the story of other important presidents, such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Vladimir Putin, Abraham Lincoln, Donald Trump, Yitzhak Rabin, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Shimon Peres, Yitzhak Rabin, Benjamin Netanyahu, Mikhail Gorbachev, Angela Merkel, Mahatma Gandhi, Tony Blair, among others.


Número de páginas 300
Edição 1 (2023)
Idioma Inglês

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Título de Comendador pela Associação Brasileira de Liderança (2018), possui graduação Bacharelado em Ciência Política pelo Centro Universitário Internacional (Uninter 2018). Atualmente é Jornalista MTE 0073071-SP (2013), Sociólogo MTE 0002398 (2022), proprietário e editor responsável pelo site, Pós Graduado em Segurança Pública e Policiamento (2020) / Pós graduado em Sociologia e Política da Segurança Pública (2021) / Pós-graduação Lato sensu em Policiamento Comunitário (2022) (UNICESDH / Faculdades Integradas Ipep/Pepcex). Experiência empírica na área de Segurança Pública e Policiamento, Defesa, Política, Jornalismo Institucional e Criminal.

Title of Commander by the Brazilian Leadership Association (2018), holds a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from the International University Center (Uninter 2018). He is currently a Journalist MTE 0073071-SP (2013), Sociologist MTE 0002398 (2022), owner and editor in charge of the website, Postgraduate in Public Security and Policing (2020) / Postgraduate in Sociology and Public Security Policy (2021) / Lato sensu Postgraduate in Community Policing (2022) (UNICESDH / Faculdades Integradas Ipep/Pepcex). Empirical experience in Public Security and Policing, Defense, Politics, Institutional and Criminal Journalism.

Título de Comandante por la Asociación Brasileña de Liderazgo (2018), es Licenciado en Ciencias Políticas por el Centro Universitario Internacional (Uninter 2018). Actualmente es Periodista MTE 0073071-SP (2013), Sociólogo MTE 0002398 (2022), propietario y editor responsable del sitio web, Posgrado en Seguridad Pública y Policía (2020) / Posgrado en Sociología y Políticas de Seguridad Pública (2021) / Posgrado Lato sensu en Policía Comunitaria (2022) (UNICESDH / Facultades Integradas Ipep/Pepcex). Experiencia empírica en el área de Seguridad Pública y Vigilancia, Defensa, Política, Periodismo Institucional y Criminalístico.


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